Hey There!
Even though we moved into our house 8 months ago, we're still in what I would like to call, 'the new home discovery stage.' And by this I mean, we're still discovering things that we love about our house, don't love about our house, and things that our current house doesn't have that our next house has to have. This is our very first home, so we weren't huge sticklers when it came to home shopping since we really didn't know what we were looking for. Our home is a dream house for sure, but there's little things such as 'more cabinet space' that will definitely be on our next homes 'must have list'. One of the things that I recently noticed was that our house was the only home in our 'hood without house numbers on the mailbox. How does that even happen?! We have house numbers on our home, but since our house is on an incline, the numbers are almost impossible to see at night. Not that we have many night visitors other than the occasional pizza delivery man, but I still wanted our mailbox to fit in with everyone else! With a personal flare though, of course.
OH, and let's not ignore my patchy grass in the background. I would be lying if I told you that I did not accidentally kill all of my grass. Because I did. Boy did I kill my grass. Actually, I over-killed my grass. If my grass was a person, I would have been heavily charged with some sort of crime. How did I do this you may ask? Well I sprayed weed AND GRASS killer all over my yard. I missed the 'and grass' part. Who actually wants to kill their grass? They set me up for failure.
This was an extremely simple project with the help of my handy dandy Silhouette Cameo
CHUB GOTHIC is my absolute favorite simple font. If this font was a person, I'd have to invite it over for dinner. It's perfect!
After I created the decal, I just applied my transfer tape, cleaned off my mailbox, then applied the decal.
Simple Dimple.
Now our mailbox fits in more with the other mailboxes in the 'hood, it's just a chubby gothic version.
Get it? Chub gothic is the font that I used.
Ba. Baha. Bahaha.
Ay yi yi.
Have a marvy day!
God Bless, xoxoxo.
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