About 4 months ago, I made possibly one of the best purchases of my life... my beloved Silhouette Cameo Starter Bundle Kit
. I am so obsessed with this machine! I only use it to cut vinyl, because working with paper and any other material is just way too frustrating for me. Paper rips and tears, but vinyl is tried and true and hasn't let me down yet. I use a very affordable, very high quality outdoor vinyl from expressionsvinyl.com. I can not say enough good things about this company! Their prices are amazing, their products are amazing, and let's not even get into their shipping. I usually receive my shipments within 3 days of placing the order! Insane!
My very first project that I ever did with my silhouette was making canister labels! I got these adorable glass canisters from Wally world for a wee $7 each! They had even bigger ones for just $10, but this size (1 gallon) was just perfect for my rice & oats. The vinyl that I used when I first did this was a very low quality vinyl from my local craft store. I paid way too much for it, and I had no idea what I was doing! I even applied each letter by hand separately, who knew there was a thing called transfer tape!? Not me!
This is the only picture I have of my old canisters. They're not too shabby, but the new ones are definitely an improvement. And let's not ignore the fact that my sweet husband has a food lion bag on his head. It was snowing, and he was making fried rice, so clearly he needed a chefs hat.
We take our snow days really seriously around here.
It's really good that we don't have kids, because we are that couple that doesn't stock up on any amount of food, and ends up being snowed in with nothing but rice and oats.
We take our snow days really seriously around here.
It's really good that we don't have kids, because we are that couple that doesn't stock up on any amount of food, and ends up being snowed in with nothing but rice and oats.
The font that I used for this label is just a simple font called 'STENCIL', most computers come with that font already installed. I liked how it has a farmy look to it.
After peeling out my negative space, I just apply my transfer tape, then stick it to the clean surface.
After peeling out my negative space, I just apply my transfer tape, then stick it to the clean surface.
I'm really odd, and use the top end of my lotion to smooth out my transfer tape. It works better than any other tool I have used, so why change what works?! And I get to smell my lotion as I'm applying vinyl.
Peel off your transfer tape, and you're done!
You could mix yours up with a different font or a different vinyl color!
You could mix yours up with a different font or a different vinyl color!
God Bless, xoxoxo.
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